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Who we are
The Chronic Care Center is a medico-social institution, specialized in the treatment and follow-up of childhood chronic diseases: Thalassemia and Type I Diabetes.
Our Clinical Report
The clinical Report is a result of continuous research on Diabetes and Thalassemia. It covers all facts and figures, and a overview of the Clinical Centers Yearly accomplishements, along with acccurate cost of treatments.
Download the Report
Facts in numbers
Average Cost
Average Cost
of treatment per Thalassemic/year

There are many ways for you to join the fight against thalassemia and diabetes to contribute to this important cause.
Donating your time and skills is a great way to help Chronic Care Center to find a cure.
There is a sense of pride in doing something that benefits hundreds of Lebanese patients living with diabetes and its complications every day.

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Do you know someone with diabetes or Thalassemia?

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If yes, what relationship do you have with them?

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