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Who we are
The Chronic Care Center is a medico-social institution, specialized in the treatment and follow-up of childhood chronic diseases: Thalassemia and Type I Diabetes.
Know The Signs
I drink a lot and feel thirsty all the time. I have frequent urination. I am always tired and hungry. I eat well yet lose weight.
Am I diabetic?
You should consult your physician. He will ask for blood glucose level and other tests to make sure if you have diabetes.

Helping patients live with Diabetes:

The first step for living with Diabetes is understanding it. Education is the keystone for a successful outcome in diabetes care.

At the Chronic Care Center, we focus on the treatment and education of our patients and stress on increasing their diabetes knowledge and management skills towards achieving the goals of therapy: maintaining good health and promoting emotional and social well being. We put good emphasis on nutritional education. We teach patients how to use insulin and tailor insulin regimens according to patient's needs.

A healthy diet and an active life style together with insulin therapy and blood glucose self monitoring help achieve diabetes control.


Monitoring blood glucose is essential to diabetes management:

To adjust insulin dosage, 3 to 4 blood glucose measurements are needed daily to maintain blood glucose level between 80-120mg/dl.

Using special software, glucometer data are uploaded on patient's file and interpreted by the medical team in the presence of the patient, in order to take appropriate decisions concerning insulin treatment.

Insulin can be delivered by multiple daily injections (3-4 injections per day) or insulin pump therapy.


The mostly used protocols are:

  • Multiple daily injections
    • Long acting insulin analogues once /day with 3 injections of rapid acting insulin before each meal.
    • Intermediate acting insulin morning and night with 3 injections of rapid acting insulin before each meal.
    • Premixed insulin morning and night with one injection of rapid acting insulin before lunch.
  • Insulin pump delivers custom basal insulin automatically and continuously 24h/day, this is delivered all throughout the day and night for normal body function without food. It also provides bolus deliveries to support immediate insulin needs for food intake and/or high blood glucose correction... It requires rapid insulin analogue.



A Team Approach to Care:

The multidisciplinary team at the Chronic Care Center works to treat Diabetes and prevent its complications namely cardiovascular, retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. Patients are closely monitored to improve quality of life and screened for the purpose of early detection and treatment of complications.

The Center provides its patients with the necessary medication, material and equipment: All types of insulin, glucagen, strips, syringes, insulin pumps, insulin pen, glucometer, multiclix, softlix lancets .......

Our Diabetic patients cope very well with their condition, they are compliant with the hard treatment of their disease. The average Hb A1C for 2018 for all patients is 8.1 %. This level is comparable to well known centers worldwide in Type I Diabetes.




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