In summer 2009, I was 11 years. I was excited to become a teenager. But the excess of sugar in my blood made my life bitter.
I felt dizzy, lost weight, become pale and used to go to the toilet frequently.
The doctor informed me that I'm affected by Type I Diabetes and going to live with it all my life.
I could not understand what this disease meant. First, I felt that I will not be able to continue my life normally, but later when I learned how to deal with Diabetes at the Chronic Care Center, I felt secure. Today I feel stronger than before.
I never felt shy or inferior, I never tried to hide or deny my reality because I believe in God.
I go to school every day and I practice sports regularly. I mainly play BasketBall in the Taadod Club and my trainer is also diabetic and was followed by the Chronic Care Center.
Diabetes could not stop me from living. I constantly try to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Sometimes I wonder why me?? But seeing a lot of diabetics of my age decreased my complaints as I realized that I am not the only one.
Thanks to all my family and my friends and the Chronic Care Center, I am able to continue my life successfully.
Currently, I am pursuing my studies in Law at Sagesse University and I hope to have a bright future.

My name is Hassan Karnib born in Beirut in 1990; I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 12.
From that time I continued my life normally due to the pursuit of my case in Chronic Care Center. Diabetes didn't stop me from doing what I want; I traveled to Strasbourg, France and achieved my PhD in Biophysics and structural biology. On the other hand, I have a Taekwondo black belt and I am currently accomplishing a Master trainer degree in fitness.
I am also an IFPA instructor and give workshops and courses related to personal training.

Hey it's Ali, I was born in 1991 and I am type I diabetic since 1995. I frequently visit the Chronic Care Center and I am still receiving my treatment and follow the recommendations of its team. Without this team I might have lost the road a long time ago. As an insulin-dependent patient I use multiple injections three times per day.