8:00 am till 15:00 pm
Why donate blood?
Blood is the fluid of life, Red blood cells carry oxygen to the organs to function properly. Thalassemia patient can not generate enough hemoglobin in his/her red blood cells these cells will die early and the patient will develop severe anemia. In the absence of blood the patient feels weak, short of breath and cannot perform his daily work .In severe cases this can be fatal.
One patient needs every year, around 18 units of Red blood cells. This can be provided by 6 different persons, if they are regular donors.
Two different blood donors every month can help this patient to live like others.
Your blood is the most precious gift you can give to someone in need. It is a voluntary act which gives you self satisfaction when you know that you are saving lives and you are helping others enjoying it.
It takes twenty minutes of your time and two cups of your blood to save one patient's life.
Is Blood Donation Safe?
- Blood donation is safe. It has no risk of transmitting any virus. All tools used to draw blood are steril and used only once for each donor. Thus, contracting any contagious disease is impossible during the blood donation.
- The blood is drawn from your arm through the vein.
- The human body contains approximately 5 to 6 litres (5000 to 6000 cc) of blood. The quantity of blood drawn from each donor can vary between 350 cc to 450 cc, according to the donor's weight.
- Your body starts regenerating the amount of blood drawn in the following 1-2 weeks.
Can I Donate blood? How and when?
Donor selection is based on a medical history and a limited physical examination.
The careful selection of blood donors ensures a safe and pleasant donation experience. Blood can be drawn at the Blood Bank of the Center Monday through Friday 8am till 3 pm.
o You can give blood if you are between 18 and 64 years old.
o Weigh 60 Kg or more.
o You are in a good health and feel well.
o One donation can be made every 3 months at most.
o It is preferable to donate blood, either in the morning after a non- fatty light snack or the afternoon, at least three hours after lunch
o After donation, the donor should rest for 10 minutes, during which he/she can have a soft drink and then go back to work normally.
- Donor can be deferred or postponed in the following cases:
o Donor has been rejected previously.
o Less than 3 months has passed since donor's last blood donation.
o During pregnancy and no less than 6 months after delivery.
o Donor has had surgery or was sick and hospitalized or received blood during the last 12 months.
o Donor has a heart case, pulmonary, liver, hormone, chronic diseases.
o If the donor takes certain medicine or is a drug addict.
o If the donor has or already had hepatitis or malaria.
o If the donor has a blood disease.
o Within 72 hours from pulling a tooth.