I am Michel Haddad, 29 years old, a Graphic Designer at ProTech-Studio/Cressendo and graduated from the Lebanese American University (LAU).
I was diagnosed of having Thalassemia Major at the age of 4 months and from that time on I started having blood transfusion.
Normally, human beings need iron in their blood for its health benefits, but in my case, the excess of iron in my body is due to blood transfusion leads to serious health problems and to abnormal bones development in some extreme cases. Therefore, to overcome this side effect of blood transfusion, and thanks to the medical progress, I am now being able to take iron chelator through oral pills and Desferal (combination treatment).
I participated and am still participating in studies that I am introduced to and my doctors confirm it.
Until now, I visit the Chronic Care Center every 21-28 days to receive my blood transfusion and medical treatment. And in the other days, I am as healthy as you are and even better.
Last but not least, I am participating in TIF (Thalassemia International Federation) conferences and Workshops, hoping to be a good and well prepared representative and leader in my country.

Zeinab was born in 1997 and Khawla in 1999, in Hadath Baalbek. We had our bone marrow transplant in 2006, in Rome. Thanks to the Chronic Care Center, the Italian Government and our two brothers (bone marrow donors). We are cured.
We are happy because we got rid of injections & blood transfusions. Love life.