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Who we are
The Chronic Care Center is a medico-social institution, specialized in the treatment and follow-up of childhood chronic diseases: Thalassemia and Type I Diabetes.
Know The Signs
I drink a lot and feel thirsty all the time. I have frequent urination. I am always tired and hungry. I eat well yet lose weight.
Am I diabetic?
You should consult your physician. He will ask for blood glucose level and other tests to make sure if you have diabetes.
The idea to create a specialized center for the treatment and follow-up of childhood chronic diseases came in 1992, as an answer to urgent needs expressed by the medical community and the families of patients. Lebanon's fifteen years of upheaval (1975-1990) resulted in a complete destruction of its infrastructure, and the public health sector was no exception to the rule.

As such, hundreds of young thalassemics and diabetics were doomed to their tragic fate due to high cost of chronic treatment; they were not entitled to benefit from any insurance coverage and were never included in agendas of non-profit organizations.

As such and with the moral and financial commitment of a group of volunteers and friends, the First lady of Lebanon Mrs. Mouna Haraoui, decided in 1992 to respond to this emerging crisis. Basic outreach and medico-social support services were first provided in the basement of a hotel space in Beirut.
Roll over the time line below to get a brief about the evolution of the Center since it's opening
May / 29

A memorable telethon held by the Chronic Care Center succeeded in mobilizing a whole nation and marked for the first time in post war Lebanon, a significant social action and solidarity movement for the fight against Thalassemia and Insulin Dependent Diabetes.

Telethon 1993 raised the unprecedented amount of L.L.2.608.171.863. This major event followed by several fundraising campaigns in Lebanon and aboard created an admiral network of love and solidarity towards the children suffering from chronic diseases, and permitted to achieve the construction and equipment of the Center.

January / 22
The Chronic Care Center's Association has been officially founded by ministerial decree number: 18/AD.
June / 08
An official Ceremony was held in the presence of local dignitaries, key official leaders and scientists from all over the world.
The Inauguration Ceremony was followed by Concert Magida El Roumy and Gala Dinner at Al Bustan Hotel.
November / 02
In collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, the premarital health certificate becomes mandatory in Lebanon, providing a significant impetus to the Thalassemia Prevention Program.
December / 01
The launching of the Thalassemia Prevention Program in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs. Decreasing the number of newborn children affected by thalassemia, this decentralized program is hailed as a national achievement.
March / 01
The establishment of a Transfusion Unit and Blood Bank. This service is vital for thalassemia treatment that requires frequent blood transfusions.
June / 01
Transfusion Unit & Blood Bank service

Transfusion Unit & Blood Bank service was established in order to provide a comprehensive service to the thalassemics.

May / 01
The formulation of a non-profit collaborative agreement with Harvard School of Public Health. Mission: To promote research development in genetics. This agreement is renewed in May 2003 for an additional 5 years.
March / 01
The inauguration of the Genetics Research Laboratory, and a conference on “The Exploration of the Human Genome Project.”
December / 01
The opening of the Gift Corner, a new source of funding for the Center.
May / 02
The Chronic Care Center, already a Member of the Thalassemia International Federation since 1994, becomes a Member of the TIF Board of Directors.
June / 02
The celebration of a decade of commitment. A “Regional Conference on Advances in the Treatment of Diabetes and Thalassemia” takes place at the Center, followed by “The Tenth Anniversary Gala Dinner” held at Biel Pavillon Royal.
June / 01
The Chronic Care Center celebrated its 10th Anniversary

The Chronic Care Center celebrated its 10th Anniversary. 10 years of commitment to improve patients' quality of life and promote healthy generations. 10 years, a determination for one cause and one mission: "treating today's disease and promoting tomorrow's health"       .

- Tenth Anniversary Gala Dinner

On Saturday, June 12, 2004, at 8h30 pm at Biel, Pavillon Royal, Beirut

- Tenth Anniversary Conference

The Center organized on June 17-19, 2004, a Conference on Advances in the Treatment and Prevention of Diabetes and Thalassemia as well as on new avenues in the field of Genetics.


The Chronic Care Center is the result of countless generous efforts. It will be impossible to list in this document the names of all the Center friends who have supported its action in the past and are still supporting it now. Their names are forever engraved in the entrance hall and in the hearts of our children.

May / 11
A memorandum of understanding is signed between the “Mediterranean Institute of Hematology” (IME) and the Chronic Care Center under the patronage of the Ministry of Public Health. The objectives: To offer curative therapy, and bone marrow transplants to patients suffering from thalassemia and other inherited blood disorders.
November / 01
The children’s book, “The Adventures of Monty, Monty Goes to the Vet,” is published in 3 languages, with an interactive CD and several guides on type I Diabetes for students, parents and the public.
January / 02
New modalities of treatment for type I Diabetes are provided: subcutaneous insulin pumps to 60 patients, in addition to new types of insulin.
The Center launched a joint program with the Ministry of Public Health to provide 100 thalassemia patients with new oral chelation therapy.
These new drugs changed the lifestyle and the perception of the disease for the patient and the family.
October / 15
Thirty-five patients, ages 8 to 14, are selected from among 650 thalassemia patients under Dr. Adlette Inaty Khoriaty’s guidance to travel to Italy and undergo bone marrow transplant under the supervision of Professor Guido Lucarelli and his team in Rome and Milan. This program is sponsored by the Italian Government through IME. Results: Thirty-one young patients from the Center are completely cured.
January / 01
The Genetics Research Laboratory becomes the first laboratory in Lebanon to implement the PGD for Beta-thalassemia and sickle cell anemia, recommended for couples at risk of transmitting a genetic disorder.
November / 01
With the remarkable progress in the field of social media, the Chronic Care Center launches its new interactive website:, and its account on facebook and Instagram.
These initiatives facilitate and improve a better communication among patients, their families and the general public.
November / 07
The Chronic Care Center joins the International Diabetes Awareness campaign “Take a Step for Diabetes,” organized by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). The Center organizes activities to raise awareness, making 12,675,000 steps, and is classified as 10th in the world.
December / 17
The Chronic Care Center becomes a Member of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), an umbrella organization for over 200 national diabetes associations across 160 countries.
June / 05
Celebration in joy and hope the 20th anniversary of the Chronic Care Center in a gala dinner at Biel. The ceremony includes live testimonies of children and parents, panels of dancing, singing and music playing along with number of stars, girls and boys from the center who have succeeded to live with their chronic disease, thanks to the optimal medical care.
November / 04
The Chronic Care Center represented by Mrs. Zalfa Hraoui, Vice President of the Center, received at Abu Dhabi Palace the “Sultan Bin Khalifa International Thalassemia Award” for being a “Thalassemia Center of Excellence 2013-2015”.
August / 10
Creation of a committee “the Young Leaders", a team of young men and women with type I Diabetes who followed treatment at the Center for more than 20 years.
They dedicate some of their time to help diabetic children integrate in active life.
The Center counts on the support of this Young Club.
December / 08
The Chronic Care Center received a certificate of IDF Center of Excellence and another one as Center for education.
October / 11
Mrs. Mouna Haraoui, President of the Chronic Care Center received her fifth “Doctorate Honoris Causa” from “L’Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth” (USJ) for her tremendous efforts in the social field especially in the protection of childhood.
Warmest congratulations to our President from the Family of the Chronic Care Center!
November / 02
The Center through the Agnes Varis Trust support, could introduce the echocardiography service that will help prevent cardiac complications in Thalassemia patients.
January / 01
Despite the challenges, we succeed to implement the program of Bone Marrow transplant launched in 2014 in collaboration with the Minister of Public Health and the AUBMC, and to keep our doors open to all new cases, and in maintaining the momentum acquired in previous years, moving to a better future thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, benefactors, contributors and friends