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Visit of Prince Bassam Salame and his wife Pucci to the Center
Visit of Prince Bassam Salame and his wife Pucci to the Center
Visit of Prince Bassam Salame and his wife Pucci to the Center
Who we are
The Chronic Care Center is a medico-social institution, specialized in the treatment and follow-up of childhood chronic diseases: Thalassemia and Type I Diabetes.
Our Clinical Report
The clinical Report is a result of continuous research on Diabetes and Thalassemia. It covers all facts and figures, and a overview of the Clinical Centers Yearly accomplishements, along with acccurate cost of treatments.
Download the Report
Visit of Prince Bassam Salame and his wife Pucci to the Center

Prince Bassam Salame and his wife Pucci visit the Center. In the Transfusion Unit they get in touch with every young patient.
Dr. Suzanne Koussa, hematologist, informs Mr. and Mrs. Salame about the treatment of Thalassemia. And Katy, a social worker, informs them concerning children's activities.

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