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Who we are
The Chronic Care Center is a medico-social institution, specialized in the treatment and follow-up of childhood chronic diseases: Thalassemia and Type I Diabetes.
Know The Signs
My baby is very pale and has no energy to play. He does not seem to be growing well even though he eats well. I am worried How can I know if he has thalassemia?
How can I know if he has thalassemia?
You consult your child's pediatrician. He will ask for a complete blood count to rule out anemia

Despite the seriousness of Type I Diabetes, people with this condition have many reasons to be hopeful. At the Center, we focus on the treatment and education of our patients. We emphasize on the understanding of this disease and focus on the goals of the treatment programs, which consist of maintaining good health and promoting emotional and social well being.


To help our children adapt to their chronic illness in the best way possible, the Center organizes recreational and educational activities. Such activities promote personal development and social integration, and encourage young patients to face life's problems with self-confidence.


In this photo repertoire, starting year 1993, some of our Diabetics who graduated and became active members in the society will find back their childhood and youth souvenirs; and others will take example and follow their footsteps to a promising future.
July / 2024